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Detailed biogas power mode

Article Source:Parui Kang    Time:2015/4/3      Views:
       In order to achieve sustainable human development, we must reduce CO2 and other harmful gas emissions, and create a green home. From another point of view limited reserves of fossil fuels, according to the data analysis, about another 40 years, depleted oil will be consumed in order to achieve sustainable human development, we must reduce CO2 and other harmful gases, creating a green homes. From another point of view limited reserves of fossil fuels, according to the data analysis, about another 40 years, the oil will be consumed depleted; about another 60 years, natural gas will also be announced sue dried; and coal resources at current consumption only about 200 years for human use. From the living environment of human beings and energy consumption two aspects, are forcing us to look for other renewable energy sources to replace fossil fuels is now routine.
       Biogas has a high calorific value, compared with other gas, blast-resistant performance is better, is a renewable clean energy. Biogas in rural areas are more generally used on most traditional use of biogas for heating, cooking and lighting. Biogas power generation is a new technology with the development of biogas utilization of biogas utilization arise, it will be used as a motor fuel gas, drive a generator to produce electricity. Due to urbanization cities, use gas to generate electricity has become a garbage renewable energy is a major focus. In China, Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen and other cities are preparing to set up garbage or biogas plants. China's first garbage biogas plants in October 1998, in Tianziling landfill was built. In China, currently has 10 million digesters. But on the whole range of applications is not wide enough biogas utilization is relatively low. The amount of waste of the city of 6% to 7% annual rate of increase, but way more than 90 percent of China's urban waste disposal landfill is taken, many cities landfill waste processing in tons or more, if you can turning waste into treasure, can significantly reduce the country's dependence on fossil fuels and reduce oil imports.
In other countries, biogas generation is booming, in December 12, 2006, the world's largest biogas power plant using garbage in South Korea completed and put into operation, the scale of 50MW power level, this biogas power plants can produce electricity power supply for 180,000 households, will replace South Korea imported 50 million barrels of heavy oil per year. Prior to this, the world-class 50MW biogas power plant in the US alone there are a.
With the increase in the capacity of biogas power plants, biogas power generation and network operation will impact on the entire power system protection-related issues with the capacity increase will become prominent. [Discuss gas generator and a main wiring and relay network configuration] literature describes the gas generator and network wiring and protection configuration issues.